Wednesday, 10 August 2011

My Own Little Commentary...

Today's post is a little off topic - in fact it's FAR removed from the usual subject matter of this blog. But I felt compelled to write something about the events of the past crazy few days here in the UK.

Speaking from the point of view of a builder, in the past 10 years I have become friends with a lot of Eastern and Central European economic migrants. Many of them came from war torn countries with not a penny to their name when they arrived on British shores. These same people have worked incredibly hard over the years on construction sites in the pouring rain and driving snow and working insanely long hours, and they have managed to pay for their own homes and cars and are living a life they would have never attained in Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Ukraine etc. Yes, times are hard at the moment, but it is still a land of great opportunity, which is why people still travel from all over Europe, Asia, Africa et al to make make a better life for themselves. And they achieve it too.

But these rioters are HOMEGROWN 'talent.' They have failed to make the grade and blame the government, or an antagonistic society, or an overbearing police force. I just find it very hard to sympathise with these people, when so many others from developing countries have managed to do so well. There is a sizable percentage of Britons born and raised here who have been brought-up from infancy with ready-made excuses for their shortcomings, as opposed to encouragement and the reality that it is within their power to improve their lot in this life. In the latter, the government has absolutely failed. But there's a cycle of poor parenting that will perpetuate this outlook too. But none of the above justifies any of this mayhem.

Summary: There needs to be a major cultural upheaval, ideologies need to adapt. But riots won't help this, they will just re-enforce the fact that our society is broken. And said re-enforcement in this context is about as effective as giving the wrong answer to a question, but in capital letters - the answer is still wrong.

Fat Flamingo

Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Downside of Reality...

Just a quick post for all you beautiful mo fos out there to let you know I'm still alive.

Well, it's been about six weeks since I last regaled you with stories of jiu jitsu passion and prowess, but unfortunately my alternate identity has taken precedence over my Fat Flamingo alter ego. I've been working extraordinarily long hours (leaving the house at 5am and not getting home until 8pm), so not only has this blog suffered, but my training has been non-existent and my health has deteriorated, ie. I'm a fat fucker (no news there).

Also, I've been trying to convince the local university to accept me for a degree course (I know, they'd be mad to deny me admittance), so I've been using any little spare time I've had to swot up on my maths for an informal test, just so they might ascertain how dumb this young upstart actually is. Turns out, I'm less dumb than we all thought.

So now that the sob story and excuses are out of the way, I have EIGHT WEEKS to lose TEN KILOS (I fight at 82.3kg/middleweight) and get passably skilled at BJJ again, all in time for the South East BJJ Open in Rayleigh, Essex on 2nd October. And my main motivation is that I'm competing in aid of Cancer Research UK through my own little charity Clinton Combats Cancer For Cash, where donations can be made though my Just Giving page. All money donated is perfectly safe, can be paid through PayPal and goes entirely to charity.

But what do you get out of this little transaction? Well, besides doing something AWESOME that will help progress cancer research, you'll also get to see me fight in a hot pink gi and matching pink mohawk. And you can quite possibly relish in the satisfaction of watching me get my arse handed to be by more accomplished and talented jiu jitsu practitioners. Or I might surprise everyone and do pretty well. Well, stranger things have happened...

Anyway, until next time, biatches

Fat Flamingo